Quarto and GH Pages

Jeffrey Fonseca

About me.. and my site

QRCode to the Slides

Benefits of a site

  • Portfolio and resume
  • Notes on longer projects
  • Social Media — A few friends follow my blog


  • Go to github.com and create an account
    • Your site will be located at “username.github.io”
  • Go to github.com/moonpiedumplings/blog-template and select “use template”
    • The repo name should be “username.github.io”
    • make sure to select “include all branches”
    • in the github settings, make sure “gh-pages” is selected as the deploy

Directory Structure

The files and folders are laid out simply.

|-- _quarto.yml # Configuration for quarto
|-- blog
|   |-- index.md # Directory listing
|   |-- markdown
|   |   `-- index.md
|   `-- quarto
|       `-- index.md
|-- index.md

Directory Structure (cont.)

  • The “index.md” within of each folder is what gets rendered into a an html file, a browser page
  • The “index.md” in “blog” is a special format called a “listing”, rather than a normal article, it generates the list of articles, the filtering, etc on the “blog” page


  • Markdown is markup language
  • Enables users to render formatted documents from plaintext
  • Most static site generators use markdown

Markdown Code Snippets

`this is code snippets`

They result in unformated, monospace text:

this is code snippets

Markdown Basics

*italics* = italics

**bold** = bold

[linktext](example.com) = linktext

More Markdwon Basics

# top level header

top level header

## lower level header

lower level header

Useful HTML in Markdown

<br> = line break

<details><summary>summary text</summary>

collapsable content


summary text collapsable content


  • Static site generator
  • Converts markdown into html, the language powering websites.
  • Feature Rich by Default
    • Full text search
    • Light and dark theme


  • Outputs: website page, pdf, or presentation (html)
  • Designed for Data Science, so has integration with Jupyter Notebooks
  • Does not have any form of template engine

Template Engine

Not included in Quarto

{% for i in list %}
  {% if something %}renderif{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Questions? Comments? Anything you want to do?

Thank You!

I hope you use this to host your own blog/site, like I do.