Linux Containerization Technology

Jeffrey Fonseca

What are containers?

  • The operating system is made up of many building blocks, almost always placed unevenly
  • Container runtimes are a commmon platform that can be built off of


  • OpenVZ: Built custom kernel to make containers
  • Did not update this custom kernel (2.6 is their stable, 3.10 is dev).
    • Current Kernel is 6.5+

Benefits and Downsides

  • Containers use less memory, because
    • share the host kernel
    • only contain what is necessary to use an application
    • Identical parts of containers (layers) are shared in memory, saving more memory
  • Not as secure as virtual machines
    • Container escape CVE’s are rare but fatal
    • Very easy to configure, but misconfigurations can be fatal
    • CTF will be a container escape one (with no CVEs)

LXC and modern containers

  • Many groups needed containers in mainline, so they contributed
    • namespaces, cgroups (Google), seccomp, virtual filesystems, etc
  • Eventually, LXC was the first iteration of modern container software (IBM)
    • Docker was based of off lxc, but eventually switched to their own runtime

OS vs Application Type

  • OS
    • Designed to simulate a linux system
    • Often used for virtual private servers
    • E.G: LXC, Openvz
  • Application
    • Designed for ease of development and distribution of apps/services
    • OCI based runners, like docker, podman, kubernetes, nomad

OCI Standard

  • Not to be confused with Oracle Cloud
  • Open Container Initiative
    • Linux Foundation Project, by Docker, CoreOS, and others
    • Standardized Format for application container images
  • Make distributing services very, very easy


  • Simple
  • One daemon that runs as root, that autostarts, and handles containers as services
  • Docker socket (/var/run/docker.sock), which can be served over the network, or mounted inside a container or vm (it’s also a file)

Docker (cont.)

  • Downside: Runs as root:
    • Having access to the docker socket means you are effectively root
    • Escaping a container as root means you are root on the host
  • “One process, one container”


  • A.K.A “k8s”
  • Extremely powerful
  • Massively complex, many moving parts

Kubernetes (cont.)

  • Different Distributions of Kubernetes

Others Container Orchetstrators

  • Docker Swarm Mode
    • Literally docker, but across multiple machines
  • Hashicorp Nomad
    • Integrates with many other Hashi products
    • supports other, unorthox runtimes (e.g: qemu)


High level:

  • Docker Engine (deprecated, docker now uses containerd + runc)
  • Containerd
  • Cri-o

Low Level

  • runc
  • crun (default of podman)
  • Kata (virtual machine)

High Performance Computing (HPC)

  • Science needs reproducibility
    • Simulations ran using programs need to be ran using the same code
  • Slurm, runs any jobs across a cluster, but is not reproducible
    • By using slurm to run singularity/apptainer (OCI runtimes), you get more reproducibility in science
  • Kubernetes is used for machine learning
    • NVIDIA provides OCI images with drivers for GPU’s baked in


  • AWS, GCP, Oracle, etc offer containers as a service
  • Also offer managed kubernetes

When NOT to use containers

  • Multi-langauge projects, e.g: replit
  • Unprivileged environments (no unshare?)
  • Multi-OS support (OCI runners use a virtual machine on non-linux)
  • Security: Do not mistake containers with security


  • I will pass out virtual machines
  • CTF IP:
  • On the virtual machine: http://vm-ip:3000
  • Flags are in roots home directory
  • Double container escape