Can I write my resume in python?


June 11, 2023


I’ve changed the python blocks to not auto execute, because the github actions environment does not seem to be able to render them.

I am trying to generate a two column resume, but nothign I have tried has been able to output to both pdf and html format. So I am now trying to generate a resume using jupyter and pythons graph generating capabilities.

I found an example online, but it has syntax errors when I try to run it, and I also don’t know what the code is liscensed under, so I think I will try to write my own.

First, I need to select a graphics library. They used matplotlib, but I will search for an easier way to do it first.

from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
import ipywidgets as widgets

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np

def plot_func(freq):
    x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi)
    y = np.sin(x * freq)
    plt.plot(x, y)

interact(plot_func, freq = widgets.FloatSlider(value=7.5,

I found another guide to write a resume with html, and then convert it to pdf with python, but I don’t really want that.

#| column: body-outset
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
import ipywidgets as widgets

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Configuring the graph
%matplotlib inline

# Test text
Test = "test"
plt.annotate(Test, (.02,.98), weight='regular', fontsize=8, alpha=.75)

# Border lines
#plt.axvline(x=.99, color='#000000', alpha=0.5, linewidth=300)

bqplot instead:

import bqplot.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig = plt.figure(title="Sine")

# create data vectors
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 200)
y = np.sin(x)

# create line mark
line = plt.plot(x, y)

# renders the figure in the output cell (with toolbar for panzoom, save etc.)

This apparently requires some libraries:

playground/resume/bqplot.js (404: Not Found)
  /playground/resume/@jupyter-widgets/1551f4f60c37af51121f.woff2 (404: Not Found)
  /playground/resume/@jupyter-widgets/eeccf4f66002c6f2ba24.woff (404: Not Found)
  /playground/resume/@jupyter-widgets/be9ee23c0c6390141475.ttf (404: Not Found)
  /playground/resume/@jupyter-widgets/html-manager/dist/1551f4f60c37af51121f.woff2 (404: Not Found)
  /playground/resume/@jupyter-widgets/html-manager/dist/eeccf4f66002c6f2ba24.woff (404: Not Found)
  /playground/resume/@jupyter-widgets/html-manager/dist/be9ee23c0c6390141475.ttf (404: Not Found)